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Rome Italy - Roma Wolf Remus Romulus - Vintage Silver & Enamel Travel Shield Charm

  • Model: Rome Remus Romulus Charm
  • 6 Units in Stock
  • Manufactured by: eCharmony Travel Shield Charms

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Roma Italy ROME Wolf Remus Romulus Travel Shield Charm

Description: Vintage Enamel Souvenir Travel Bracelet Shield Charm

Height: 5/8 inch Width: 1⁄2 inch
Depth: 1/8 inch Weight: 1.0 grams

Condition: Beautiful detail and in excellent condition for its age!

800 Silver

Roma (Rome, Italy)

Capitoline She Wolf with Remus & Romulus

The bronze Capitoline Wolf in the Museo Nuovo in the Palazzo dei Conservatori on the Campidoglio (the ancient Capitoline Hill) —where it has been housed since 1473 — is one of the icons of the founding of Rome. When the twins Romulus and Remus's father Numitor was overthrown by his brother Amulius, according to the founding myth, he ordered them to be cast into the Tiber. They were rescued by a she-wolf who cared for them until a herdsman, Faustulus, found and raised them. The statue was long thought to be an Etruscan work of the 5th century BC, [1] with the twins added in the late 15th century AD, probably by the sculptor Antonio Pollaiuolo.[2]. However, radiocarbon and thermoluminescence dating has found that it was possibly manufactured in the 13th century CE; this result, which undercuts the sculpture's iconic significance, is still contested The sculpture is somewhat larger than life-size, standing 75 cm high and 114 cm long. The wolf is depicted in a tense, watchful pose, with alert ears and glaring eyes watching for danger. By contrast, the human twins - executed in a completely different style - are oblivious to their surroundings, absorbed by their suckling.

She-wolf suckles Romulus and Remus.jpg 

Year 13th and late 15th century AD or c. 500 BC-480 BC Type Bronze Height 75 cm Location Musei Capitolini, Rome


SPQR is the motto of the city of Rome and appears in the city's coat of arms, as well as on many of the city's civic buildings, public fountains, and manhole covers. SPQR is an initialism from a Latin phrase, Senatus Populusque Romanus ("The Senate and the People of Rome" or "The Senate and Roman People"), referring to the government of the ancient Roman Republic, and used as an official signature of the government. It appears on coins, at the end of documents made public by inscription in stone or metal, in dedications of monuments and public works, and was emblazoned on the standards of the Roman legions. The phrase appears many hundreds of times in Roman political, legal and historical literature, including the speeches of Marcus Tullius Cicero and the history of Titus Livius. Since the meaning and the words never vary, except for the spelling and inflection of populus in literature, Latin dictionaries classify it as a formula.

This product was added to our catalog on Saturday 02 January, 2010.

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